Classrooms are unpredictable environments, and students have diverse and specific needs. For a teacher to
be able to respond in the moment, they need to be well prepared in advance.
Visualizing in detail what might unfold in a lesson can become tangled, given the many variables at play,
and there are only so many ideas that one teacher can generate on their own. Moreover, being diverted by
the mundane details needed in completing templated lesson plans only adds to the cognitive load.
Noticing dialogically scaffolds the planning process by reminding, suggesting, tracking,
and keeping the focus on the students and their learning.
Meanwhile, the plan is taken care of automatically.
Noticing safely and securely…
We are always looking for new partners and collaborators. If you are interested in using Noticing in your educational context, or if you would like to contribute to our research, please get in touch.